Clubs & Organizations

Get involved in the many community organizations Alburnett offers.

Alburnett Community Historical Society (ACHS)

Ron Hoover, President
Kris Blackford, Vice President
Julie Towe, Secretary
Deb Thein, Treasurer

Open Thursdays from 10 am – 3 pm April through December
Phone (319) 842-2299

Established as a non-profit organization in 1994, the Alburnett Community Historical Society has a museum and archives located in downtown Alburnett.

It is open for visitors on Thursdays April through December from 10:00 am until 3:00 pm and during citywide events. Private tours are also available. The ACHS is handicapped accessible.

The Alburnett Historical Society holds 4 annual events:

  •  April: Pancake Breakfast
  •  August: Benefit Day Bake Sale
  •  October: Soup Supper
  •  December: Santa Day and Bake Sale

Please view the Alburnett Calendar of Events for dates and times.

For additional information, please contact [email protected] or leave a message at (319) 842-2299 and we will get back to you.

Alburnett Diamond Club

The Alburnett Diamond Club was established over 20 years ago with the goal of helping community children in need. The club holds the annual Alburnett Children’s Benefit Day the first Saturday in August. The group also constructed and maintains the Alburnett Community Diamond Club (ACDC) baseball field.

Alburnett Lions Club

Dan Peterson, President
Phone (319) 842-2790

Lions Club International is the world’s largest service organization and has an active community club in Alburnett, Iowa. Lions use their time and talents to make a difference in their local communities as well as worldwide.

Alburnett Garden Club

Jeanie Neighbor, President
Phone (319) 842-2626

The Alburnett Garden Club meets monthly with the purpose of sharing gardening knowledge and experience, while encouraging all facets of the hobby amongst the members. The meetings feature a business session, followed by refreshments and meaningful conversation fitting to gardening. Often there are speakers, garden and craft activities, experiments, and interesting study projects conducted during meetings. An annual field trip to an interesting gardening-related site is taken, as well. The Alburnett Garden Club maintains the city gardens located near the Alburnett Historical Museum building on Main Street and contributes to numerous area projects and causes.

Alburnett Christian Church

Phone (319) 842-2392
Pastor, Dan Peterson
203 N. Main Avenue

Alburnett United Methodist Church

Phone (319) 842-2388
Pastor, Jon C. Moss
221 S. Main Avenue

Boy Scouts of America, Hawkeye Area Council

Phone (319) 862-0541
660 32nd Avenue SW
Cedar Rapids (Main Office)

Girl Scouts of Eastern Iowa and Western Illinois

Phone (319) 363-8335
240 Classic Care Ct. SW or
Cedar Rapids (Main Office)

Senior Congregate Meals

Phone 319-438-6691
Falcon Center,137 N. 4th Street
Central City, Iowa

On-site meal served at Noon. Hot meals can be delivered daily. The site has a card club and craft club as well as many other planned activities.