Utilities & Compost

Residents of Alburnett receive utility services from the following sources.

Water & Sewer
Water and sewer services are provided by the City of Alburnett. All water and sewer usage is monitored by water meters. Residential and commercial customers are charged according to the usage determined by the meter. Meters are read at the end of every month. Bills are sent out on or around the first of every month with payment due by the 20th. To set-up auto-payment, complete and submit the ACH Payment Form to City Hall.

To connect service, please complete and return this form to City Hall prior to taking possession of your residence or business. There is a $100 connection charge required on all accounts.

Current Monthly Rates:

Water – Base Rate $44.00
Water – Per 1000 gallon $6.00
Sanitary Sewer – Base Rate $16.32
Sanitary Sewer – Per 1000 gallon $2.81
Storm Water $2.50


Cable, Internet & Phone
USA Communications


Electric & Gas
Alliant Energy


Solid Waste & Recycling
Rudd Sanitation

ABC Disposal

A-1 Disposal


Yard Waste
Alburnett residents have access to dispose of personal yard waste behind the Public Works building at 307 Howard Street.
Several times a year, the yard waste is processed into compost which residents may utilize free of charge.


Utility Location Services
Iowa One Call
Call 811 or 1-800-292-8989